Break the traditional rigid structure, interactive office design and planning, creative life starts from the working environment|KingOne Design




Break the traditional rigid structure, interactive office design and planning, creative life starts from the working environment

2021. Dec. 2829King One Design Senior Editor


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Google, LA, USA, office, ABW, kingone, kingone design, office design, office design planning, ABW office

Image source of Google's Los Angeles office: (

office, ABW, kingone, kingone design, office design, office design planning, ABW office

Schematic diagram of a modern office (picture source:

office, ABW, kingone, kingone design, office design, office design planning, ABW office

ABW (Activity-based Working), people-oriented office design Picture source: (

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(Image source:

📖Extended reading: Design details that cannot be ignored when creating a commercial space! 💡Complete description: Five design points of commercial space planning 💁‍♀️Upgrade your office, interactive office has many benefits | Click me to take the first step
King One Design Senior Editor

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